This programme is designed to focus on the artisanal skills, where the training is skewed towards a ‘couture education’.It will allow trainees to explore and discover their true aspirations in the art of shoemaking. Trainees will learn to become skilled shoe artisans rather than mere cobblers. The programme will begin with the exposure to traditional shoe making techniques such as hand lasting and will progress to the use of machines. The programme will also include the use of digital technology, while embodying aspects of sustainability throughout the training.
Aside from that, trainees will also receive in-depth knowledge of foot anatomy as well as the fundamentals of styles i.e., classical, sporty, elegant and ‘Avant Garde’. The trainees also will be equipped with knowledge in Shoe Fashion trends (high-heel footwear, short-heel shoes, stilettos, etc.), materials used in shoemaking (leather, chamois-leather, ostrich leather, crocodile leather, vegan leather, etc.) including the various styles of footwear (boots, décolleté, sabot and sandal).
- Pass SPM and with minimum credit in English, and
- Basic knowledge in IT
- Foot Anatomy
- Footwear History & Categories
- The ‘Shoe Last’
- Measuring & Fitting
- Pattern Design & Grading
- Insoles & Support
- Selecting Materials
- Assembly
- Software Aided Digital Pattern Making
- Industry Sharing Session
Training Duration
Career Pathway
Professional Shoe Artisans
Shoe Makers